Credit score for our DOCG Valdobbiadene Superiore.

Also this year we decided to participate in the 23rd edition of Sparkling Wine Festival organized by the Guide ONAV Verona (National Organization of Wine Tasters).

The Commission carefully composed of about 70 Territorial Commissions composed of ONAV Oenologists, expert tasters and tasters, together with a second central commission, made up of at least 6 members from different geographical areas of the country certifying the selected wines.

We are really proud and satisfied with the work we continue to do every day!

We are waiting for you in our wine shop to buy our Prosecco!

  • Prosecco Superiore Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G. EXTRA DRY                  85 points
  • Prosecco Superiore Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G. BRUT                             90 points